Tag Archives: Arduino

Programming Arduino Pro Mini with Bus Pirate


Program an Arduino Pro Mini 328 [sparkfun] board using a Bus Pirate.

Bus Pirate programming Arduino Pro Mini 328

Bus Pirate programming Arduino Pro Mini 328

I tried setting up the Bus Pirate as a transparent bridge for UART to use the Arduino boot loader. I got as far as manually sending 0x30 0x20, and receiving a 0x10 0x14 – establishing communication over UART… But couldn’t get the Arduino IDE to actually upload a program to it.

It turns out – version depending – that avrdude can use the buspirate as an SPI programmer.

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Individually controlling 1000 WS2812 pixels with an Arduino UNO


2014-06-30 – This (both this post, and the project) is a work in progress. My lights are installed and controllable, the installation is being upgraded, and a better user interface is needed.

Wanted to get into some electronics, and I really need some form of end objective to get going on anything. The thermostat project that was going to be my debut into electronics and microcontrollers has a pretty ambitious scope that has been intimidating enough to procrastinate any serious work on.

When I saw the advertisement form sparkfun with some addressable RGB LED strips for sale (60 WS2812 pixels/m) – I decided to do something with those. With solution in mind, I went looking for a problem.

The crown around my living room has a perimeter around 17m, and I wanted some better lighting in there. At 60pixels/m, 1000 pixels works out to be a nice arbitrary round number that takes up enough space.


A test installation of a few strips from January:

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