Tag Archives: Bus Pirate

Programming Arduino Pro Mini with Bus Pirate


Program an Arduino Pro Mini 328 [sparkfun] board using a Bus Pirate.

Bus Pirate programming Arduino Pro Mini 328

Bus Pirate programming Arduino Pro Mini 328

I tried setting up the Bus Pirate as a transparent bridge for UART to use the Arduino boot loader. I got as far as manually sending 0x30 0x20, and receiving a 0x10 0x14 – establishing communication over UART… But couldn’t get the Arduino IDE to actually upload a program to it.

It turns out – version depending – that avrdude can use the buspirate as an SPI programmer.

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Bus Pirate I2C / I²C interface with a DS1307 RTC


I picked up a Bus Pirate and cable to help with troubleshooting and future projects.     Conveniently, I am using an Adafruit Data Logging Shield for Arduino for a current project – which makes a perfect easy introduction to some of the communication with the Real Time Clock over I2C because the shield already has all of the supporting bits and pieces needed for the RTC.

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